

4th Edition | may 18 – july 16 2006

When faced with the proposal related to the Projeto Respiração (Breathing Project), Anna Bella Geiger perceived that she could bring to the center of the Eva Klabin Foundation environment, which is impregnated with layers of time, the idea of how we construct the memory of time: the Renaissance Room has been transformed into an archeological site.

Her artistic sensitivity perceived the characteristics of the Eva Klabin Foundation cultural heritage and re-qualified the significant reach of such kind of collection by naming the installation as CIRCA. When working with the idea of circa, Anna Bella Geiger chooses the sense of imprecision that is contained in the meaning of this marking of time, which establishes the possibility for a wide dating that circumscribes the object in time, without corrupting its content. The way in which “circa” makes the object emerge and circumscribe, as a residue of time-idea is what the artist is interested in, inaugurating a possible territory allowing precision in the imprecision, which at the same time questions the imprecision of what is wanted to be precise.

Consequently, as archeological sites are material evidences that allow us to get closer to civilizations, which we know to be wider than the ruins that have remained; the ?imprecision? contained in circa, which is a fragment of time, limited and circumscribed, allows us to get nearer to this atemporal mass of time. This circa, as it is revealed by Anna Bella Geiger, and using her words, is an evidence that “in the re-constitution of time facts may be imprecise, but their contents are precise”.

Marcio Doctors